GENERATE mantra – we like to say this a lot!
Building an inclusive network that values, supports and promotes accessible and visible arts.
Why GENERATE formed
Generate is based from the ACT Community Arts Office and coordinated by the ACT Cultural Inclusion Office, Belconnen Arts Centre. The GENERATE network has developed in partnership with Disability ACT to create a hub for Canberra artists experiencing disability and disadvantage. GENERATE is about belonging and growth for emerging and professional artists who want to communicate about the creation, production and distribution of their arts practice and make new connections. This site has also been developed to support arts organisations, businesses and service providers who want to connect with artists, events and projects.
This network model has been inspired by the work of organisations like Accessible Arts NSW and Arts Access Victoria, represented by national arts and disability body Arts Access Australia.
How GENERATE works
There are so many great programs across the ACT region supporting inclusive arts and we want to promote them all in one place! We also want to create a place for artists to access information- about funding, projects and opportunities and a place for artists to share information – about yourselves as artists and your artworks. We hope this site works as a specialist, interactive communication and networking tool – specific to cultural industry – establishing a site of exchange to generate ideas and connections.
We can also facilitate community conversations between artists, key arts organisations, businesses and services to plan projects, develop ideas, collaborations, partnerships and mentoring. Just contact us
This website is the main point of contact for GENERATE but we recognise that not everybody has access to regular technology, so we will also be meeting each month with a visit to arts events and galleries around the ACT. We call these morning or afternoon tea gatherings ‘accessibiliTEA’ and you are welcome to come along to catch up, network and get inspired by current exhibitions and creative spaces. See date and location updates on home page.
These things are important to us:
- Opportunities will be geographically, physically, financially and socially accessible.
- Fostering cross sectoral relationships, identifying and focusing on areas where community arts capacity needs developing
- Building bridges and supporting network members to establish sustainable community relationships and partnerships with the ACT arts community
- Supporting pathways for network members to expand audiences
- Assisting artists to generate independent projects or participate in supported projects, focusing on skills development experiences and professional practice opportunities
GENERATE is a pilot project with a three year plan. We welcome your feedback and participation so that we can grow together. This is your place!
GENERATING generosity
GENERATE is generously supported by ACT Government, the Regional Arts Fund and the ACT Community Arts Office. The website is provided with services by Encode Polymedia.
If you would like to sponsor or donate to a GENERATE project please contact the GENERATE coordinator.
evaluating GENERATE
ACT Community Arts Office presents the GENERATE Canberra Arts Access Network Evaluation report titled “… it’s more than something written on a screen …”. This report looks at the progress so far with the GENERATE project and where to from here. Download your PDF copy here. Or contact the ACT Community Arts Office 02 6247 1888 to receive a hard copy by post.